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A living archive of _why's Executable Poetry

In August 2009, coding superhero _why the lucky stiff deleted all his repos, took down his domains and completely removed his online presence. Nobody outside of _why's personal circle knows why, but we're glad for the wonderful code he shared.

It's important that this code live on. We've mirrored what repos we could find, and like a scene from Spartacus, heros one by one have stepped forward announcing "I am _why" to ensure their continuity.

To those who are maintaining his projects, or submit patches or add documentation: thank you, thank you for your contributions. And to _why: so long and thanks for all the fish^h^h^h^h chunky bacon.

-- Flip Kromer (@mrflip / http://infochimps.org) and Seth Thomas Rasmussen (@greatseth / http://greatseth.com) for the http://github.com/whymirror project

More Info

If you're looking for any of _why's many non-programming artworks, please consult Jeremy Ruten's catalog: "Everything _why has published on the internet should be accessible from here. It works sort of like a museum that sells maps. Many of his abandoned writings are mirrored locally here, and everything else is through external links."

State of the Projects

All of these projects need two things: one or a team of people to take charge of the project, and people to help transfer the documentation. Anyone can help with the latter, so please get in touch with the maintainers to help.

Active projects:

Art and writings with open licenses:

Maintainer / Repo Needed:

Fork me on GitHub